The Sonora A's - Welcoming you to the Motherlode!!

A group of Model A owners in Sonora and surrounding areas came together in 1993 to form our club. They secured a chapter charter from our National Organization, the Model A Ford Club of America, more familiarly known as MAFCA. We commonly refer to our group as the Sonora A’s. We are members of the regional association of Model A supporters known as NCRG, or the Northern California Regional Group. MAFCA conducts conventions somewhere in the USA every two years and the regional group holds gatherings annually somewhere in the northern part of the state.

Our mission is to promote the preservation and enjoyment of this unique vehicle manufactured between 1928 and 1931. Ownership is not a requirement for membership, although most of us fall under the spell of having at least one Model A in the garage. We meet once a month to visit with like-minded supporters, plan road trips, impart experiences and pass on tech information. It’s a family-oriented association involving everyone…not just guys kicking tires. There are activities involving history, fashions, seminars, upcoming events, and…food!

Luckily, we still have a few founding charter members in the club who are a wealth of knowledge, and generously eager to share with us. They also illustrate the enduring quality of this venerable and extraordinary old car nearing its centennial birth…the Model A!